Calling All Women Over 50…

Looking for your (honest) opinion

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Normally my posts discuss the importance of thought work and intentional living for women over 50.

This one doesn’t.

Consider this post more of a poll. As I’ve never been in my 50s before, and my brain doesn’t typically work the same as others, I’m really curious about what other women in my similar situation are really thinking and doing.

Other than a few Facebook groups here and there, I don’t see a concentrated “community” for women over 50.

Why is that?

Is it because we’ve sort of dispersed and quietly become part of other people’s lives…our spouse, our children, our grandchildren?

I know it’s not exactly new that women in our age bracket seem to be “dropped off the map” when it comes to being represented in mainstream media, marketing, and especially movies and tv.

And I can guess why.

Teens are marketed to because they spend a considerable amount of their parent’s money. Twenty, thirty, and even forty year old’s are marketed to because that’s where the disposable income market is. And I’d be willing to bet that Moms are marketed to most of all because let’s face it, moms tend to direct most of the spending in the family (at least that was my experience).

At one point we all existed in those age brackets, they were, and still are, publicly defined communities.

So where did all we go once we turned 50?

We obviously didn’t physically disappear, so why did the representation of our community disappear — except in AARP or medication commercials, or maybe as the secondary role of a mother or grandmother in some movies?

It’s not like we’re posting selfies in our bathing suits on Instagram.

When I do see older women in tv, movies, or commercials, I see someone who is supporting their husband or their grandchildren. I almost NEVER see a strong, independent woman over the age of 50 who is still living out her intentional purpose (except for that bad bitch Caroline Warner on the show Yellowstone played by Jacki Weaver. *Goals*).

I don’t know about you but I still buy groceries. I still go to the movies, watch tv, travel, buy cars, do home improvement, etc. I’m still making my own decisions. I didn’t stop spending money once I turned 50, if anything I’m spending more on myself now that my kids are grown than I ever have.

That’s not to say I necessarily want telemarketers calling and trying to sell me stuff, but women over 50 still exist.

We matter and we have money.

So why aren’t they selling us their cars, their hotels, or renting us their Airbnbs? And did we disappear once we fell out of those publicly defined communities, or because of it?

I’m currently 55, I still do CrossFit, I play drums, I like to run, walk, and hike, and I’m starting a new business. I didn’t retire my life when my kids moved out, or when my husband passed away a few years ago. And I have seen glimpses that at least some other women my age enjoy some of the same things, but not very often.

That’s not to say relaxing and enjoying a slower-paced life after 50 is a bad thing, to each their own, I’m just saying that’s not my path, and I’m wondering if I’m really that far outside the norm?

Or maybe I’m just looking for validation.

As I said I’ve always felt that my brain does not work the same as the general public, especially others my age. So I’m taking a poll.

If you are a woman over 50 I want to hear from you.

Where are you hanging out, either online or in real life? Do you spend a lot of time at home, or do you go out?

Do you still work? Are you looking to slow the pace and maybe work your current job until you’re ready to retire, or are you looking to switch jobs and work towards something you’ve put off until now?

Are you and your partner looking for a relaxed lifestyle and are happy with your day-to-day routine for the most part? Or are you setting goals that you’re looking to achieve before you’re ready to retire?

Do you still try to stay physically active, whether that means dedicated workouts or walks with friends or loved ones?

Is there something you’re looking to still achieve at this stage in your life? If so, what is it?

Are you happy with your daily routine, or are you looking for something more? And if you are looking for more, do you know yet what that is?

This isn’t a sales pitch, and you don’t need to provide an email, contact info, or anything like that. I’m just curious to see where our community lies, or even if there is one?

Please post your comments below. I’d love to get your input